1. Top
  2. Inside this facility/facilities

Inside this facility/facilities

  • Front desk

  • cafeteria

  • cafe space

  • Microwave

    Available in cafeteria
  • free massage chair

Number of rooms

18 rooms in total:18 Western-style rooms
Western-style interior:5 single rooms(27 to 35㎡)/2 double rooms(44 to 45㎡)/11 twin rooms(35 to 35㎡)

standard room equipment

Bathroom in all rooms/Shower in all rooms/Air conditioning in all rooms/tv set/satellite broadcasting/empty refrigerator

Internet related

Available in all rooms
[Connection method]WIFI(Wireless LAN)
[PC rental]No
[Internet connection]Free


Hand towel/Toothbrush / Toothpaste/bath towel/shampoo/rinse/Body soap/bathrobe/Hairdryer/Duvet/Shaving/shower toilet/shower cap/swab/Comb / Brush

Outline of facility

lounge/non-smoking room/ice machine/laundry machine(For a charge)

Local credit card


standard check-in time


Standard checkout time
